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This is a Wisconsin Department of Justice sanctioned course designed to give you all the pertinent facts and information on carrying a concealed weapon in the state of Wisconsin. This course will cover all legal aspects in the use of deadly force, as well as weapons safety, handling and storage. Upon completion of this training, you will receive a proof of training certificate that will assist you in applying for a concealed carry permit in Wisconsin. There will be no live fire in this class. Please note: If you drop the class prior to the class beginning you are eligible for a 100% refund, but no refunds will be made if you fail to drop the class prior to the class beginning.
Shooting skills and safety course designed to promote marksmanship and safe weapon handling. Course is for CCW permit holders serious about taking their current skills to the next level. Instructed by Law Enforcement Academy instructors, course will enhance your knowledge of a deadly force incident. Tactical live fire component. All participants must bring proof of a valid CCW permit or HR218 credentials from Wisconsin or a reciprocal state. Striker fired semi auto pistols only with a minimum barrel length of 3.5 inches. (.9mm\ .40\.45 caliber). Students will need a heavy leather or nylon gun belt with an outside the waistband hard Kydex holster and magazine carrier.
Tactical shooting skills course will include a review of the deadly force rules currently in place as well as classroom discussions of recent, relevant, and realistic case studies of use of force events. The range portion of this class will introduce participants to malfunction clearing, movement skills, and proper use of cover and concealment while firing their semi auto pistol. Instructed by Law Enforcement Academy instructors, course will enhance your knowledge of a deadly force incident. Tactical live fire component. All participants must bring proof of a valid CCW permit or HR218 credentials from Wisconsin or a reciprocal state. Striker fired semi auto pistols only with a minimum barrel length of 3.5 inches. (.9mm\ .40\.45 caliber). Students will need a heavy leather or nylon gun belt with an outside the waistband hard Kydex holster and magazine carrier. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (60-504-608).
Tactical shooting skills course, Civilian Tactical 3, will include simulated deadly force encounters using a state of the art video simulator, “MILO” as well as actual force on force live training. Participant will also be introduced to drawing and firing a weapon from a seated position, as well as defending yourself in and around your vehicle. This course will also include a live fire component using skills learned in Civilian Tactical 1 and 2. Instructed by Law Enforcement Academy instructors, course will enhance your knowledge of a deadly force incident. Tactical live fire component. All participants must bring proof of a valid CCW permit or HR218 credentials from Wisconsin or a reciprocal state. Only calibers allowed are (9mm / .40 / .45 / 357 sig) with a minimum barrel length of 3.5 inches for a semi auto pistol. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (formerly Civilian Tactical Academy Phase 1) (60-504-608). Please note: If you drop the class prior to the class beginning you ar
This class is designed to test students by having them complete a live fire qualification course, a testing scenario and a short written exam covering the basics learned in the previous Civilian Tactical Academy classes. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (60-504-608), Civilian Tactical 2 (60-504-608A) and Civilian Tactical 3 (60504608B).
Providing the CCW holder with methods to effectively fight in or around a vehicle, this course is designed to teach a CCW holder how to survive a lethal encounter. Instructed by Law Enforcement Academy instructors, course will enhance your knowledge of a deadly force incident. Tactical live fire component. All participants must bring proof of a valid CCW permit or HR218 credentials from Wisconsin or a reciprocal state. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (60-504-608), Civilian Tactical 2 (60-504-608A) and Civilian Tactical 3 (60504608B).
Retired officers will meet federal and state certification requirements to carry a firearm concealed. Please note: If you drop the class prior to the class beginning you are eligible for a 100% refund, but no refunds will be made if you fail to drop the class prior to the class beginning.
Utilizing Virtual Reality, isolation drills and force on force scenarios students will be exposed to real life deadly force encounters designed prepare them to use force effectively and appropriately. Students will be trained by Law Enforcement instructors in threat recognition, avoidance/de-escalation and modern combative techniques and tactics. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (60-504-608), Civilian Tactical 2 (60-504-608A), and Civilian Tactical 3 (60-504-608B).
Focuses on the use of pistols with a red dot optic. Covers equipment selection, set up, zeroing and shooting techniques. There is a live fire component; ammunition will be provided. Tactical skills shooting course instructed by law enforcement instructors. All participants must bring proof of a valid CCW permit or HR218 credentials from Wisconsin or a reciprocal state. Striker fired pistol in 9mm, .40 and .45 caliber with a minimum barrel length of 3.5 inches only. A quality adjustable Red Dot optic with an outside the waistband hard Kydex holster and magazine carrier required. Prerequisite: Civilian Tactical 1 (60-504-608) and Civilian Tactical 2 (60-504-608A).